Happy New Year 2014

We would like to send you warm wishes for a wonderful year. Here’s what’s been going on in the Tanaka household lately . . .

Logan (7): 1st grade and really liking school this year, Cubscouts, soccer and serious rainbow loom mania!  After Christmas, Emily set up the kids video game console in a spare room that Logan has deemed, “The Man Cave.”  That day, he said, “Mom, can you make me a drawer for all my rainbow loom stuff in The Man Cave?”

Vaughn (3 1/2): Started preschool, has a great buddy with whom he catapults faux chickens, thinks he’s 7 and can now make it across the monkey bars.  Emily said, “Wow Vaughn, I’m excited for you that you can make it across the monkey bars,” to which Vaughn replied, ” Yes, but today, Mom, I’m not going to do anything fierce and dangerous.”  Not true!

EB and Neko

Got two kitties, and the boys are crazy in love with them.  “They’re the best thing ever.”  On most days, the boys even remember to feed them!

The boys first music festival

At least half of you reading this might be thinking, “Emily has returned to her jam band roots and took the boys festival camping.”  Uh, no.  We traveled to NW Massachusetts to see our favorite band, Wilco, put on a multiple day music festival, renting a (really nice) home with our wonderful friends, the Corsos.  Several days there, and a few days more in Cape Cod.  This was SO not Phish…thank goodness (Eric sneaking one in here!!).  The kids had an absolute blast.

Oktoberfest in Indiana

Emily’s Dad and Cathy got married at their Oktoberfest party.  We are so happy for them, happy that we were there and a part of it all.  Eric got to officiate and marry them (so we made him dress-up for the part)!

Eric’s surgery…again!

You may recall from our post from last year that Eric had toe surgery in 2012.  Gulp, that didn’t go as planned, and so there was another corrective procedure this Summer.  Several months later, and the boys have yet to step on his surgically repaired toe…and that’s 2 years in a row for them!

Visit from Art and Margaret

We were so glad to see Eric’s parents over the holidays. The boys asked, “Can they stay forever?”  Margaret, aka Nana, was playing dance games with the kids on the XBox, baking cookies and keeping the peace during some heated monopoly games with the boys.

Just in case you missed our Christmas video on Facebook:

We’re closing out the year with some crazy warm weather and so we celebrated “So Cal” style with sand sledding in Hermosa Beach!  Hope you have a wonderful 2014!


Eric, Emily, Logan & Vaughn

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