Back to life, back to sports, back to live music, back to adventure…
It’s crazy that as we turn to 2022, we’re still talking about – still even referencing – the things that halted our lives completely…nearly 2 years ago.
But they’re relevant for everything that makes us so grateful today.
For our boys, after nearly 1 ½ years of distance learning and no sports, all (well, most) of it is back! We’re thankful beyond words.
Vaughn is a new middle schooler, and he meets every morning with his crew to walk to school. He’s on a travel baseball team with so many of his closest friends, and they’re ramping-up for their final year as Little Leaguers and next summer’s tournament in Cooperstown. It’s a lot of baseball…a lot of full-cheek eye black (err…“war paint”) for day or night games, and we’re loving every minute.
For Logan, he’s now a Freshman, and life is good. He has surf team 1st period, soccer team 6th period, and a full (tough) slate in-between and doing great. You’ll see pictures in our video before his very first homecoming dance, and our hearts are full. (We found out a couple weeks later from some parents that Logan actually crowd-surfed at the dance. He doesn’t even know we know…until right now!)
We asked the kids what they liked most about this year, and Vaughn said, “I’m adventuring more.” He’s exactly the age that Logan was when he started to roam, started to explore and just adventure with his friends. We love who Logan has become, and we hope some of his independence was born during these same years that Vaughn is in right now.
For Logan, he simply said, “Freedom.” That is a wonderfully loaded answer – especially after the last 1 ½ years. On one of our countless trips of driving Logan to a friend’s, Logan said, “Just think, in a year, I’ll be driving, and you won’t have to do this.”
Isn’t that great? OMG!
We’re so happy to see the boys back to doing what they love. Shoot – really, it’s just a return to normal (albeit, a bit of a “new normal”).
And we need more “normal.” With the last 1 ½ crazy years in our rear view but still in our memory, we’re ready for it!
We’ve said this before, but it seems even more poignant now: we’re looking forward to seeing more of you, more of our friends & family in 2022.
Peace & Love,
Eric, Emily, Logan & Vaughn
Hope you enjoy our annual video . . .