Winter in the South Bay

Snow Day

Logan’s school puts on a “snow day” for the kids each year. Here are a few photos of the snow hill they built in the play yard. Also shown are some of Logan’s buddies at school. The red lines on the tree are marks to remind the kids to “only climb the tree this high”. I know my Dad, who lives in the woods with acres of land to sled ride on and loads of trees to climb, is going to laugh at these photos.

Where did my baby go?

It seems like Vaughn is making major changes every day. In the last week or so he’s had 2 teeth come in, is pulling up on furniture (and crashing) and is crawling on his hands and knees. He’s fast too, to the point that if you turn your head, he’s likely doing something dangerous. It’s too hard to catch these acts on video at the moment because he needs a constant spotter.

Here’s some new “not so dangerous” videos . . .

Playing in the sand

Can I have a bite?

Happy New Year!

Two is so much more than one . . .

This is the first year in about 7 years that we haven’t gotten a holiday card out in the mail, so we’re opting to post some recent photos instead.

Logan just turned 4 and is in his first year of preschool. He’s loving it so far. This Christmas
was the first big “Santa” year. He was anticipating it and was perplexed that Santa was going to come when he was sleeping instead of stopping in and hanging out. Very magical holiday . ..

Vaughn is a happy baby who smiles and laughs so much. Logan can make him laugh at any
given moment, even if he’s giving him a scowl. He’s rolling over and eating real food now. Today, on New Years Day, he just started to scoot across the floor, motivated by trying to get his hands on Logan’s new red dragon.  (Logan’s reflexes are getting quicker by the second!)

Emily’s Dad and Cathy came into town for a week to watch the kids while Leticia, our nanny, was visiting family in Brazil. Logan and Vaughn had a great time with them. We’re really missing them already. Eric’s parents visited over Christmas and, together with the Kroegers (Eric’s sister’s family), we had a wonderful holiday.  Special kudos to Pauline’s son, Kyle, who is so kind and patient with Logan.  They had a good time racing around on their scooters together.

In fact, “racing around” seems like an appropriate term for this year, so many changes with a little one in the house again.  More things to do, all with less time to do them…all while having more & more reasons to smile every day.  Life is wonderful, even if we seem more disorganized & scattered than ever.  We’ll take it, as we welcome 2011, wishing you all a Happy New Year.

The Tanakas (Eric, Emily, L0gan (4) & Vaughn (7 months)